Thirlmere Public School

Safe Respectful Learners

Telephone02 4681 8476

Student rewards

Thirlmere Public School Student Award System

Merit awards reflect the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) core values of being a SAFE, RESPECTFUL LEARNER.

4 Star Express Tokens          =         1  PBL AWARD

100 nights reading                =         1  PBL AWARD

4 PBL Awards                        =         1 PRINCIPAL’S AWARD

4 Principal’s Awards             =         1 BANNER  

2 Banners                               =         1 GOLD MEDAL 

PBL merit awards will be given out at the K-2 and 3-6 merit assemblies, which are held in weeks 4 and 8. Parents will be notified of the PBL merit awards in the newsletter.

Once a student has received 4 PBL merit awards, they may be handed in to the office in order to receive a Principal’s Award.  Parents are notified, via a note, when these awards are to be given to students. This is usually at Monday morning assembly.

When a student has 4 Principal’s Awards, they must take these to the office.  Their name will then be entered in the register to receive a banner, or if it is their second banner, a Gold Medal.  Medal assemblies are held twice a year and parents will be notified of the date and time for these assemblies.

When a student has received 4 Star Express Tokens or 100 nights reading, students hand these into their classroom teacher. Teachers will then hand these Merit Awards out within class time.

Tracking Students Progression

Students have the opportunity to receive 2 PBL Merit Awards throughout the year at performance assemblies.

Students also have the opportunity to receive 8 Star Express Tokens throughout the year in class.

Merit awards

PBL Safe - Follows the rules and teacher instructions with regard to the safety of all members of the school community.

PBL Respectful - Follows the rules and teacher instructions with regard to good manners and respect for all members of the school community.

PBL Learner - Is prepared to follow instructions, actively participate, take risks and give full effort in learning.

100 Nights Reading

Specialist Teacher Awards

·        Music

·        PDHPE

In School Academic competitions

·        Spelling Bee class winners

·        Oracy Competition class winners

Out of School Representation  - Academic (including all participants in lead up in school competitions and winners)     

·        Public Speaking/Oracy

-        Debating 

·        Science Representative


Out of School Representation  - Sport

·        Sport representation – Zone Athletics, Swimming & Cross Country

Out of School Representation -  Community

·        Anzac Ceremony

·        Steam Festival

·        Wollondilly Competitions   

Out of School Representation - Art

·        Dance

·        Band

·        Choir

·        Visual Art

Star Express Tokens

Positive Learning Behaviours

-         Showing Empathy

-         Grit and determination

-         Focus

-         Curiosity

-         Teamwork

-         Influence- showing initiative 

-         Problem solving and posing questions

-         Make and express meaning

-         Building new ideas

Assembly Manners

Consistently demonstrating positive behaviour (in classroom and out of classroom)

-         Participation in activities consistently

-         Making good choices

-         Class role model

Showing respect to peers

-         Compliments

-         Helping someone in need

-         Stopping and reporting bullying (Upstander)

-         Being Inclusive

Consistently demonstrating organisational behaviours

-         Lining up

-         Being in the right place

-         Transitioning between activities

-         Consistently bringing necessary equipment

Consistently demonstrating pride and commitment

-         Wearing Uniform

-         Attendance

Academic work

-         Working toward / achieving goals

-         Demonstrating connections and higher order thinking

-         Consistent effort


-         Sportsmanship

-         Best and fairest